
You know David-that you don't have to be a Marxist to engage in emotive thinking. So an otherwise sane person can engage in emotive thinking on a particular subject. So for example, an individual had a bad experience with a real estate developer-it would not be surprising for that individual to generalize badly about all real estate developers including Trump. Who knows what hidden prejudices lurk in the hearts of any individual man that can distort their usual sane world view into a twisted non-sensical perception of a particular person or issue. Afterall, you have selected enough Juries to appreciate that. I remember selecting a Jury in Westchester County on a plaintiff's personal injury case and a defendant's attorney did not object to my selection of a black woman jury. BTW I won the case but got a small dollar verdict. Later when I asked the defense attorney why he did not challenge that Juror-he told me that because she was a telephone operator-he believed she would be just obnoxious enough to be a bit obstinate and not just fork over a ton of money. Turns out that he was correct. He had keyed in on the more operative prejudice of that particular juror.

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All true, but, honestly, the neo-Marxists or fascists are not who concern me most. It's the ordinary, non-Marxist, non-trans-philia, non-racist, hard-working and decent people, many of whom are Rs, that frighten me by their easy way they have been hypnotized by the media into believing that Trump is such a danger that we must ignore even gross signs of incompetence and anti-American behavior on the left. Last night, to use an example, I spoke with a rabidly anti-Trump self-described moderate, who does not think we should have illegal aliens, men in women's sports, etc. I went through Russia's and China's activities during Obama, Trump and Biden's terms. Despite the obvious, he couldn't see that it was anything but a coincidence it happened during O & B's terms, not Trumps. He didn't see Trump's victory against ISIS in Syria and Iraq as being significant. He doesn't want illegals in our country but doesn't think they 10,000,000 are significant or that Biden ended all Trump's tactics only to go back to them in desperation later. Not really a big deal. What mattered is that Trump said that Mexico would pay for the wall and they didn't.

I have any number of good friends and family members, all decent or even terrific people who are like this.

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All true-yes delusions are all pervasive and universal-and yes emotionally driven devoid of any factual content and context. Based in reality-Mexico did in fact pay for the Wall through tariffs. But why confuse people with facts when they can have their emotional truths?

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